Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sonnet Poem 29 - William shakespear

The sonnet poem 29 made by William Shakespeare had transform and reorder people life's. The theme of this poem is gloomy, depressed and also not having someone there, i know this because according to a video there this man called Daniel McCall. Daniel is 81 years old, He talked about how this poem helped him in life such as when he in a inferior situation like when he was is war, and other bad part, he keep this whole poem in his head saying it over and over. I also understand him how he felt so alone because he's mother died when he was 8months and that is really hard to grow up without a mother there. My life compares to this poem because i feel i am the outcast and Wishing i did had more hope in life and in myself. Although i have a family and of course a mother i just have a feeling that i am the only person in this world.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Still l Rise by maya angelou

This poem relate to one of my themes in my own life because it seem like someone hate her, hurting her feeling's but also treating her like badly and still she rise up high without giving up although that is what she trying to say, from that quote it helps in life.
This poem also relate to a poem called " the bruised love" By Chankara Troupe because like how her boyfriend is abusing her she keeps getting up until she get rather him but if it takes long, she would keep trying even if it takes months until at the end she is not with him.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Reading Responses to Bronx masquerade

Love is painful, There's a girl named Chankara and her sister that get abused of their boyfriend, and Chankara just don't want to go through what her sister is going through. Even reading about her makes me feel the pain, and the problems she's having such as her poem that she did named "busted love". This poem is about when her sister came to the house with all these type of bruised.. and she picture how it happen to her. These poem feeling is very heartbroken, hurt, and depressing .

I have a lot of friend's that is going through this problem and just don't know how to deal with it and wishing that it could change. I hate when i see them like that because it hurt me i just wish that i could to the best.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My poem.

By:Chantel Batista

Looking back to our 
We had light to our 
We had much more love then we have now,
and i keep asking to myself
Why is he treating me 
                 Like this?
Why is he not telling me how he 
Why can he just give me the smile he use to put
I miss hearing you telling me i love you 
               With full of joy...
I hate when i am the one who need to fix our problem.
Who need to run after to you, because you wont for me.
Just please understand for once, and tell me
If you  really love me when your aren't there, and ......

if you walk away without telling me 
                                                                        that means you never really cared. 

Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night

the message of this poem is being dauntless and brave in font of death, no matter who you are, what you done, and what age you are. For example,  when the poet say "Do not go gentle into the good night , rage, rage against the dying of the light .  It's telling us don't fear death, nor don't against the good night to the light. 

Also, to Show us that he is concerned about this issue. 
What the poet is doing is making us clear about this assured message. 

Poetry Responses to Bronx Masquerade

What i think about the one of the character Tyrone is seriously apathetic, He doesn't care about his future, he picture school as a "joke". My inferences about Tyrone that how he have a lot going on, he put his problems to his future and just want to give up on life, I learn about him is that when someone tell him a advise, he takes it like a bad comment,but the white folks only want the best for him, Although the way he take thing's from his mind is by writing poems such as the poem a made called Attendance. I do connect to this poem because hes attendance is imperfect just like mine, i understand what he goes through, in view of the fact that what i am going through, hes going through it now, i have a lot of comment between tyrone and me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Stopping by the woods

The mood that this poem created, is wearily because he have a lot of stuff to do, and he can't rest.The device that i noticed that he use is Personification, he repeat himself in the end of the poem because he saying to himself like "wow, i still have a long way to go. ". I could connect to the poem feeling because sometimes i feel like i have a lot of work i need to get done, and seriously i just want some time to rest, but i don't have the time to do that. 

I could infer that the speaker is drained because everything he describe something, he describe it like is tired to do different things over and over , Its equivalently when i have a lot of work in school, and there's still more work that i haven't done. 

Monday, February 2, 2009


The inference i could make about this poem is that she want to do something new, and not the same boring thing every day. The best describes how the poet is feeling is fearlessness because of that i could connect to this poem because i complain about what i do every single day, and i want to have The meaning of this poem is making a fuss about everything, and what something to change, although she have a thought that some day something would change.