Thursday, December 11, 2008

To my parents: What I've learned so far in ELA this year?

Dear Mother.
This year been not so good, but is getting better, My best or let's say favorite unit was the memoir unit, when we needed to write a essay about a time of your life. The biggest accomplishments that i am making my ELA so far this year is getting more correct answer in my practice ELA test and also trying to get my attendance right. Our school is different as you see, we use technology in almost all the classes, I have learn more stuff then i originally knew before, Like how to do Power Points, And how also how to do Presentation on google doc, and More websites that i never even heard before, that could help my grade, Technology help me learn and improve not only for now, but for my future. its help me on my writing because you could share with people and get your feedback, and also it help on my typing. My goals for the rest of the school year is working and finishing my work, and also get my grades back how i use to have it.